More Treasures from Enid

It's been like christmas here, unpacking the items that we received from my FIL as he downsizes his life and moves to Williamsburg.

Many of these items were collected by my dear MIL.  She had a passion for porcelain birds and I picked out several.  I hadn't planned to bring home so many, but dang it, they are just so pretty.


This is just a fraction of what I took, which was just a fraction of what my MIL had collected.

Here are a few pics of just some of the other items now in my house and lookin' good.



During my FIL's military career they moved 37 times!  Yes, my MIL had a rock collection.  Moved it everytime.


This pretty chandelier is just waiting for installation in my laundry room. 


My MIL loved porcelain flowers and sparkly crystal. 


This lamp is lead crystal, I believe it is Waterford.


This next item is one of my absolute FAVORITE things that I got to bring home to keep.


Isn't it beautiful!       

9 thoughts on “More Treasures from Enid

  1. My DH is very glad to know that I am not the only one schlepping home large chunks of
    a relatives “collections”…he would be more
    “glad” if I would put most of it out by the curb, but at least he is not alone.:-)


  2. I used to live NW of Enid…did you get a chance to visit the Great Salt Plains while there…it is a very neat attraction.
    I love your finds…that chandelier is AMAZING!!!


  3. It IS beautiful! A really good (practically famous) gardener once told me that only people who love compost really understand gardening – so, you do! (I really like that chandelier, too!)


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