Slipcover Love

Every time I make slipcovers I swear never again.  But slipcovers are kinda like childbirth.  Once it's over you forget the pain.  When you birth that beautiful baby (substitute slipcover here) in no time at all you are ready to do it all over again.

I've slipcovered a sectional sofa.  I've slipcovered a beautiful chair.  Five years ago when we moved into this house I scored an awesome set of vintage furniture for the screened porch.  A wonderful mid-century set with a sofa and two chairs.  But the cushions were trash.  Immediately I ordered new foam and quickly covered it with simple white slips, intending this to just be the undercovering. 

I was going to make nice slipcovers.  I did start that project and got as far as one and a half chairs done.  Then I stalled.  and stalled.  and stalled.

It's only been five years, but as of today I am the proud mother of brand new slipcovers for the sofa and both chairs.




It was a long, drawn out labor but so worth it.  I'm ready to go again.

15 thoughts on “Slipcover Love

  1. Oh Suzy, it’s so beautiful! You gave birth to one heck of a cute kid. And that screened-in porch, how jealous am I of that jewel? I sure am. I’m thinking of having one built though. Thought I was gonna have a gazebo, but decided there wasn’t enough room. You did a grand job of this. Don’t think I’d ever tackle slip covering!


  2. Oh! Great set. If you are ready for another project I have a great sofa and loveseat that need to be done!! hehehe! We can work out a trade at the shop!! And our condo fell through so we MIGHT be in town on the 8th. Still trying for another condo but….we will see!


  3. Oh they look brilliant!!! What a wonderfully clever slipvover Mother you are!
    Love the chairs and LOVE the room, how wonderful it looks!
    Kiss Noises ( and congratulations as well)


  4. OMG, you are quite the seamstress! I started a chair slipcover months ago, and never finished. It’s such slow, tedious work… so not my forte! Instead I pulled off the old welting and trim, hot glued on some new, and called it a mini makeover! Thanks for inspiring me to one day do a bit more.


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