New Haircuts – Fierce!

Daughter No 2 got a new haircut today and it is so rock-n-roll, it’s totally fierce!

Here she is with her buddy Madeline.  Madeline has the tranny eye liner!


Did you see this clip from SNL!  It is so FIERCE!

SNL – Fierce Hot Tranny Mess!!!

9 thoughts on “New Haircuts – Fierce!

  1. Thanks for catching me up on the new lingo via the SNL clip. Never heard any of that before. My youngest son is now 23 – he is supposed to keep my up on things. Maybe he is over the hill now, too. šŸ™‚


  2. She looks like you. Teenaged daughters are a distant memory for me. Mine are 29 and 33, and now I’m 51! How time flies. Enjoy them while you can. Soon they’ll be in college and giving you grandbabies.


  3. The tranny eyeliner comment cracked me up. I think some days I inadvertently manage to pull off the hot tranny mess look by just running out of the house in too much of a hurry. At least I’m in & so very fierce!! Make it work! šŸ™‚


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